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Good News !


It has been a long time since I have been able to sit long enough to attempt one of these “blogs”, but I have something that I think needs saying. 


We have been going to the church just around the corner.  The preacher is very good, has a good sense of humor and researches his texts to make sure he is true to what the writer of the particular scripture meant.  However, there has always been this theology of his that I just can’t agree with.  I still get a ton out of what he has to say, but I just look at God from a different vantage point.  He feels that the gospel tells us that the world we live in is going to hell, literally.  The devil is roaming the earth, leading our young people, and the adults, and everyone in between, to hell.  It is our job to fend off the evil one and tell our friends and neighbors that the only way to avoid going down with him is to accept Jesus.


Now I agree with the last sentence, well at least the last half of it.  I just cannot accept the premise that. the Prince of Darkness has more control over this terrestrial ball than the “I AM” that created it. I spent the majority of my life trying to help folks find my friend who knew all about me and loved me anyway.  Almost every day I discover something new, that I had not noticed before.  It appears that my creator is still creating.  New plants, new life forms, it never ceases to amaze me, the places He has touched.  Monday night while watching “The Voice” it happened again.  I love music.  It is a gift that my Mom and Dad gave to me.  I can’t sing well at all and I haven’t played the drums in years, but I have not stopped listening to it.  When it is right you can feel what the composer and performer felt while the music runs on.  One by one, the singers took the stage and soared.  They took me with them.  There were so many different styles and point of views.  They have been doing this show, along with American Idol and America has talent for long enough now, you would think that we would be running out of singers good enough to keep us watching.  Monday night it was obvious that it hasn’t happened yet.  I found myself thanking God for the gifts He had given this diverse group of people.  I don’t know if they even believe in Him but the music left no doubt who the creator of the gifts was.  I enjoy a similar spirit when God draws close to me.  Now I don’t want to get into a discussion about what the spirit is and what the rules are that govern its appearance.  I know for myself and He was there in my book. 


This is the point I want to make.  I believe that God made all that is.  He set the planets in their orbits and if it were possible to see all that He has made, they would be too numerous to grasp with the human mind.  The detail of creation is so ordered it can be studied, yet, we still have not discovered why or how.  I believe that He made this place for us, to learn about, to populate, to discover.  I believe that when we see things, understand them, find their order and purpose, we are discovering who God is.  Now friends, we are nowhere close to knowing all there is.  National Geographic said that there are over 15,000 new life forms discovered ever month.  The number would be higher but they just don’t have the staff to do the discovering. I just don’t think that God would walk out in the middle, or wherever we are, of a project.  No I don’t think He is finished yet.  There are no doubt evil forces abroad in this planet, and we can certainly make bad choices.  Bad choices are the root of all our problems as a race, but God will not abandon us before He finishes His work.  So when we find we have made bad choices, we just need to confess, back up and start again.  I believe that God knows us all by name and cares for the choices we make.  He is constantly searching us out and offering new hope.  God is greater than our ability to know Him and yet he engages in revealing Himself in His creations. 


Everywhere I look I see Him at work.  Why would He do that if the place was going to be shut down soon. I have no clue what happens when we die.  I have theories and guesses but I must confess I don’t spend a lot of time on it.  He holds it, that is enough for me.  I think that is the essence of the Good news.  God loves us so much He made this planet for us to inhabit.  He gave His Son to us when we had lost our way.  He makes new creation every day for us to learn about Him. When I have doubt, and I do have doubt, I look around and find Him at work.  What a pleasant surprise, to find Him making new music, and on TV to boot!


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